Gay Bears Like Oral Sex

PolarBear_650KUTEREVO, Croatia – Enough of the nonsense about homosexuality being unnatural. A pair of male bears in a Croatian zoo have been having oral sex together for years — and enjoying it.

That’s the verdict of Agnieszka Sergiel, of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Department of Wildlife Conservation. She and her team have spent six years and 116 hours studying the two bears’ sex habits. Those habits included 28 instances of fellatio, wrote the researchers in the scholarly journal Zoo Biology.

“All cases appeared to be initiated by the provider, who approached the receiver while he was resting on his side or with part of his abdomen exposed,” the report stated. “If the receiver’s genitals were not exposed, the provider would push his head into the pelvic region or use his paws to separate the hind legs. After accessing and initial licking of the penis, the provider would find a more comfortable posture, such as sitting or lying…. Once actual sucking started, neither bear changed position.”

It was the larger of the two bears that was consistently on the receiving end. The researchers concluded that he got off from the experiences, due to muscular contractions and cum spots on the smaller fellatio-providing bear’s muzzle.

The scientists are quite proud of their gay oral sex bear voyeurism. They call their study “the first observations of long-term, recurrent fellatio in captive brown bears kept in proper conditions after being orphaned.”

Previous studies have concluded bears that engage in fellatio do so under “abnormal circumstances.” Bears masturbating and performing auto-fellatio also have been documented.


About the Author

Peter Berton

Peter Berton is an award-winning adult industry journalist whose work is featured on and has been published by other adult-industry publications.

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